Get the Goods
U Know What U Want. Now What?
Congratulations! You are taking charge of your health and that is very powerful! You can get a sexual health check and birth control at a clinic. Below are a list of clinics that all provide the following:
Birth control
Health exams
Breast and cervical cancer screening
Sexual health check (STI and HIV testing and treatment)
Pregnancy tests and counseling
Keeping your information private
In the State of Maryland, a minor (under 18 years old) has the right by law to be seen for “confidential services,” meaning you can be seen for some health services without your parent’s or guardian’s permission. These “confidential services” can include:
Pregnancy tests
Pregnancy options counseling
All forms of birth control
STI check and treatrment
Testing for HIV
Testing and treatment for substance use
It's best to talk to a parent or guardian about your health if you can. But if you can't, you can still get what you need to stay healthy.
Paying for it
All of the clinics listed below offer services at little or no cost. You won't be turned away if you can't pay.
Finding a Clinic
Explore the map or enter an address or landmark to find the clinic closest to you.
Looking for a U Choose clinic?
Go to a U Choose clinic to talk to a doctor or nurse who’s ready to listen and help − no judging. Go during these walk-in hours or call to make an appointment:
Druid Family Planning and Reproductive Clinics
1515 W North Ave
Appointment times will vary. Please call 410-396-0186 to confirm hours.
Walk-in hours for all services:
Tuesday - Friday | 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(ages 10-24)
Eastern Family Planning and Reproductive Clinics
1200 E. Fayette Street
(Near Shot Tower Metro)
Appointment times will vary. Please call 410-396-9401 to confirm hours.
Walk-in hours for all services:
Tuesday - Friday | 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m
(ages 10-24)
Want other choices?
There are a lot of other clinics and resources in Baltimore City that can help you. Visit these sources to find more available services for young people.
Finding Trusted Information
The internet is full of great health information but we know that not everything on the Internet should be trusted. But how do we determine if digital content is credible? Learn a few tips on how to verify health information online and how to share information responsibly.