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How Birth Control Works

There are a lot of different birth control methods. Some have hormones, others don't. Some work by keeping the sperm from reaching the egg, while others stop women's bodies from releasing an egg every month. What all of them have in common is that that they work to prevent pregnancy. 

Whichever method UChoose, remember, condoms are the only birth control method that protect from STIs.

Know Your Body

To prevent pregnancy, it is important to know how your body works. To learn about reproductive anatomy, check out Planned Parenthood's anatomy diagrams and presentation.

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CONTACT US was developed by the Baltimore City Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative with additional information provided by the Association of Reproductive Health ProfessionalsBedsiderThe National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, and Planned Parenthood. All birth control photography is property of and used with permission.

Know What U Want is a project of the Baltimore City Health Department and The Family League of Baltimore with the support of Planned Parenthood of Maryland, The Maryland Institute College of Art, New Lens, The Abell Foundation, The Straus Foundation, The David and Barbara B. Hirschhorn Foundation and The Henry and Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg Foundation.

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